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Choose your pricing plan
571.20$pre-paid package with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Body-mind-spirit Tune-up
4xReiki Sessions
326.40$pre-paid package with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Reiki Therapy
Intuitive Channeling
408$Pre-paid package of 4xsessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Intuitive Channeling Session
Pet Reiki
326.40$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Pet Reiki
Joints Mobilization
163.20$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Joints Mobilization Session
Guidance Sessions
326.40$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Guidance Session
4x50-min Classes
244.80$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- 50-min Class or Workshop
80-min Class
367.20$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- 80-min Class or Workshop
Energy Arts
367.20$Pre-paid package of 4 sessions with 15% discountValid for 12 months- Energy Arts Aprenticeship
Intuitive Channeling
105$Monthly plan, 15% discountValid for 6 months- One Intuitive Channeling Session per month
- Monthly charge
- 6-months commitment
- 15% discount
4xGuided Meditations
163.20$4 sessions, 15% discountValid for 12 months- Grounding and Guided Meditation
4x50-min Massages
326.40$4 pre-paid 50-minute Massage Therapy SessionsValid for 12 months- 4 x 50-minute Massage Therapy Sessions
- 15% discount on the total amount
4x80-min Massages
489.60$4 x pre-paid 80-min Massage Therapy SessionsValid for 12 months- 4 x 80-minute Massage Therapy Sessions
- 15% discount on total amount
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